Sunday 13 October 2013

Story Development

After I have created the storyboard I realised that I need to develop more to make sure my storyboard is clear to the audience. I had my friend, Arika Kondo from University of Worcester, doing a Performing Art who has helped me to develop my work.

  • A girl sketching flowers at the beginning - Symbolic sign, Audience would know that she likes to draw since she is holding sketchbook and Pencil, so I may not necessary need to show the part where she is sketching flowers etc.
  • Mythological world should not be seen easily - Maybe add a key Item/object to let a girl enter into the world that human can't enter normally. E.g. Jewellery, Animal etc
  • Something should happen -  Not much happening in my storyboard, so 'something' should happen. E.g. Strong wind blows into a girl and takes her to the magical world. Story is too simple.
  • Entering to the Mythical world - She should enter the world without realising, so maybe close her eyes and when she opens, she's there. Something like that.
  • Camera part -  Not necessary since she already sketches.
  • Fairy is sensitive - Maybe fairy will notice her and spell her to put her into sleep? Sensitive to noises so maybe they will get scared easily.
  • Ending - Instead of returning next day maybe she just returns back to the forest after the magical experience
  • Simplify, but deeper story -  To explain and fit everything in under 2-3 minutes of short film I will need to simplify the story, but think about adding more details.

My next task is to re-create the storyboard.

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