Friday 11 October 2013


We were aiming to create a film which is about 2 minutes long, but after the tutorial we have realised that the story was way too long to fit into 2 minutes. So we have decided to simplify the storyline. Also we have realised a few problems with the storyline.

Problem 1 - Too much Montage. I thought we don't need 2 montage, possibly simplify it with just 1 montage.

Problem 2 - Story is too long. As I have mentioned above, the story is way too long to fit everything into 2 minutes. Too much things are going on and needs to be simplify.

Problem 3 - Why is there are a dog like you get them on a Earth if the planet has humanoid animals? Maybe change the dog design into other non-realistic living thing?

Problem 4 - The story needs to be developed far more than the current stage, the story does not make sense since too many things are going on at the same time to tell this one single story. So again, Simplify.

We will need to look into the storyline again from beginning and see if we can change the story and make it simple as possible.

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