Sunday 13 October 2013

Initial Story plot

Here is the story plot of my storyboard in order.

  1. A young adult girl, who loves to draw, is sketching a flower in the forest.
  2. After the sketching she wonders around the forest, enjoying the natures and taking pictures of the wildlife.
  3. She finds a beautiful butterfly, she tries to go closer to it but it flies off. 
  4. She follows the Butterfly, focused only on the butterfly
  5. Butterfly stops, she hides behind the tree and slowly poke her head out, then she discovers the beautiful pond, where the Butterfly is resting
  6. She then discovers that the fairies are flying around
  7. She takes her phone out to take pictures, but hesitate, puts her phone away because she felt that she should not disturb them.
  8. Instead she sketches them in her sketchbook
  9. She slowly walks off the place after the good stare at them
  10. Next day she goes to the same place but the pond is gone.
  11. Looking disappointed, but sees the sketch of fairies and the pond in her sketchbook and look happy, her secret discovery.

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