Wednesday 16 October 2013

Butterfly Sketches

I have sketched some of the butterflies to get some ideas for my animation. I wanted to use the real butterfly as a reference so here are the 6 Butterflies that I have researched.

Swallowtail Butterfly - size 35-60mm
You can see this Butterfly pretty much anywhere, most commonly found.

Papilio Bianor - size 45-80mm
You don't get to see them in the city area, you will most likely see them at the wood area, especially wet area.

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Ornithoptera Alexandra - size 280mm (Guiness Record)
Rare Butterfly, biggest butterfly in the world. Lives at the warm area, Asia mainly.

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Panchala Ganesa - size 27-32mm
Mainly lives in Asia, small wings. Lives at the wood area, quietly drink water from the water side.

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Taraka Hamada - size 10-17mm
Lives aroung the bamboo area, very tiny butterfly.

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Byasa Alcinous - 42-60mm
Poisonous Butterfly, fly quietly, you can see them around the field area.

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