Friday 11 October 2013

New Ideas

After the cancellation of the last project I have committed that I will be working independently from now. I will need to look for someone to help me with the layouts and possibly animating since I am not too sure if I could cover everything on my own.

Here is my new initial idea.

A young adult female (possibly age between 18-21) who loves to sketch and photograph the wild life and nature in the forest. She discovers a secret fairy grotto in the forest with real fairies. She sketches them and decides to keep her discovery to her self, after that she leaves the place without disturbing them. Next day she returns to the same place but there were no longer any fairies or the evidence of them being there. 

I came up with this ideas from watching the film "Princess Mononoke"(1997) (by Studio Ghibli) when I saw the Kodama which are the spirits of the forests and born from the tree, I came up with the idea of creating an animation based on the spirits/fairies that secretly live in forests and woods, which human has not yet discovered. I always had a dream that the mythological creatures actually existed in secret and I wanted to create a story that a human see the mythological creatures. 

The theme of this film is innocence and respect. Even though I want my character to see the mythical creatures I want their existence to remain secret. Also I feel that if the human interacted with the mythical creatures it would ruin their lifestyle and habitat, so I want my character to keep their existence a secret and leave their habitat and life style the way it is. This also sends out a message about leaving real animals habitat's and lifestyles alone and not disturbing them if people see them in the wild, they shouldn't try to catch or interact with them at all.

I will be doing a research of mythical creatures and also the wildlife that could be found in a forest so that I could possibly include them in the film.

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