Friday 11 October 2013

Initial Story

The initial story is about a Lizard-man who is travelling to meet his child, shown by him looking at a photo of a young humanoid lizard while holding a map. While stopping off in a town for supplies he notices a stray dog. Feeling slightly sorry for it he gives it a bit of food and moves on. While walking away he hesitates and turns around to find the dog is following him. The Lizard-man attempts to walk away from the dog a few times without success.
A montage follows of the dog following behind the Lizard-man across various locations.
After a few clips of the Lizard-man being unable to shake off the dog he runs as fast as he can away from it. When he turns around and sees the dog is no longer there he turns back feeling happy but then trips on something and his bag flies down a crevice where it cannot be reached. Angry the Lizard-man looks to see what he tripped over and sees the dog under his foot. Extremely angry now the Lizard-man roars at the dog very loudly and showing his teeth causing the dog to run away scared. Angry about he dog and upset about his bag the Lizard-man storms off continuing his journey.
Another montage of the Lizard-man travelling alone.
During a night time the Lizard-man hears a strange noise and sees the dog in the dark bringing him his bag. Happy to have his things back the Lizard-man becomes friends with the dog and they travel together to the place where they will meet the Lizard-man's child.
Once the pair arrive at the place they find a grave with the child's name on it. The Lizard-man is sad about finding out his child had died and the dog tries to comfort him. They sit together in front of the grave.

The End.

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