Tuesday 12 November 2013

Layout style and Concept art

 This is the main struggle so far, deciding the layout style to match with my character.

The top image is done by me, the character stands out too much and the art style does not match.
Layout is done by 2nd Year Student Brooke Hayes, She has done cartoon-style layout which matches with my character better than my original design.

In terms of the art style I think I am heading more to the cartoon style direction, My original plan was to make the layout a bit more realistic but I found out that it would not match with the character design. To match everything I either need to change the character design into more realistic style, or change the layout which is probably better since I am happy with my character design.

I have asked other 2nd year Students to show me their layout designs, and I will compare all of them and decide the best design to match with my character design.

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