Tuesday 22 April 2014

List of Shots and scenes

This is the list of the shots and scenes for my Animation.


Scene 1 - Girl meets Butterfly

Shot 1 - Girl Drawing flowers
Shot 2 - Close up of her Sketchbook
Shot 3 - Finishes sketching, walks off to the left
Shot 4 - Close up of her walking around, finds Butterfly
Shot 5 - Close up of Butterfly on the flower
Shot 6 - Close up of her, smiles
Shot 7 - Close up of Butterfly, fly to the right towards girl.
Shot 8 - Butterfly flies around her and she starts to chase.
Shot 9 - Run cycle with Butterfly
Shot 10 - Jumps over the stream, Continues to run
Shot 11 - Close up of Butterfly flying away
Shot 12 - Close up of her trying to chase
Shot 13 - Her hand touches the Butterfly, Butterfly glow
Shot 14 - Close up of her closes her eyes, bright light

Scene 2 - At the Fairy Pond

Shot 15 - Very close up of her eyes, zooms out and surprise
Shot 16 - Fairy pond scene with fairy and glitter
Shot 17 - Close up of Fairy
Shot 18 - Girl draws the fairy, soon after the fairy glows
Shot 19 - Close up of her, closes her eyes from bright light.

Shot 3 - Back to the normal world

Shot 20 - Close up of her eye opening
Shot 21 - Back into normal world
Shot 22 - Close up of her looking around, confused, looks up her sketchbook
Shot 23 - Close up of her sketchbook with fairy sketch
Shot 24 - Close up of her, loops up and smile
Shot 25 - Slowly zooms out, her full body, with butterfly behind her


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