Tuesday 22 April 2014

Slight change on shots

I have decided to cut Shot 10 to simplify the story.

Shot 10 is the scene where a girl jumps over the stream to chase the Butterfly, I thought this scene was unnecessary and it won't affect the storyline either with or without this shot.

So I have decided to cut this scene to make the entire process simpler and easier.

List of Shots and scenes

This is the list of the shots and scenes for my Animation.


Scene 1 - Girl meets Butterfly

Shot 1 - Girl Drawing flowers
Shot 2 - Close up of her Sketchbook
Shot 3 - Finishes sketching, walks off to the left
Shot 4 - Close up of her walking around, finds Butterfly
Shot 5 - Close up of Butterfly on the flower
Shot 6 - Close up of her, smiles
Shot 7 - Close up of Butterfly, fly to the right towards girl.
Shot 8 - Butterfly flies around her and she starts to chase.
Shot 9 - Run cycle with Butterfly
Shot 10 - Jumps over the stream, Continues to run
Shot 11 - Close up of Butterfly flying away
Shot 12 - Close up of her trying to chase
Shot 13 - Her hand touches the Butterfly, Butterfly glow
Shot 14 - Close up of her closes her eyes, bright light

Scene 2 - At the Fairy Pond

Shot 15 - Very close up of her eyes, zooms out and surprise
Shot 16 - Fairy pond scene with fairy and glitter
Shot 17 - Close up of Fairy
Shot 18 - Girl draws the fairy, soon after the fairy glows
Shot 19 - Close up of her, closes her eyes from bright light.

Shot 3 - Back to the normal world

Shot 20 - Close up of her eye opening
Shot 21 - Back into normal world
Shot 22 - Close up of her looking around, confused, looks up her sketchbook
Shot 23 - Close up of her sketchbook with fairy sketch
Shot 24 - Close up of her, loops up and smile
Shot 25 - Slowly zooms out, her full body, with butterfly behind her


Friday 11 April 2014

Animating girl's Sketchbook

So, for the Shot 19 I have decided to change slightly and add an animation on her sketchbook.

This scene still needs to be edited with Aftereffect (Bright light effect) but I thought it might show how strong the light is (with wind)

Animating books was my first time, and I feel that it has added more life into this scene.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Another shots done

Another shot is done with background!

and this is the screen shot of the magical pond scene with glitter effect, (somehow doesn't let me upload the GIF version)

Mushroom is done by Emma Maltby and colours of the BG is by Alison.