Thursday 12 December 2013

Expression with colour

With colours.

Head turn-around with colour and layout

I have added hair movement, walking movement (going up and down) and background (it will be moving with the character) to see if it works with the character design.

I still need to work on the timings of up-down movement but other than that I think it's working...?

Thursday 5 December 2013

Head-turn practise

This scene comes before she discovers the butterfly, when she is exploring the forest. So she will be looking up, look at the side and possibly come back to the front to find the butterfly.

I want this scene to be nice and slow, at the moment I think her head moves too quickly so I will need to work on the timings.


 Practice of girl's expression, today I have tried her surprise-smile.

This scene is the part when she finds the butterfly while she was exploring the forest. So this scene is mainly concentrated on her face movement, to keep everything simple her body and head won't move. (Maybe hair?)

Hand animating practise

Here is the practise animation of Hand movement. I think this is going to be one of the hardest scene (even though this scene is like a second long...). Hands are so hard to draw and get the right proportion. I may need to re-think about my character's hand design.

Layout Plans

 Layout Prototype (line art).
I have asked Brooke Hayes to do the final Line art of the layout.